Quick Answer: To set your insurance premium according to the likelihood that an insurance company will pay a loss for you in the near future.
Over the years a lot has changed in how insurance companies determine rates. Because new technology and rating formulas allow them to more accurately predict who will have claims and who will not the amount of information they request has changed. This information gives them an advantage by charging new customers premiums based more specifically on their unique risk rather than placing them in one large pool with customers that have a lot of claims.
On the bright side, you may like the fact that with iSCHURING, you will only have to enter your personal information once to get multiple quotes versus going multiple sites and entering the information several times to get options. This saves you time while insurance shopping. And better yet, oftentimes the questions are to determine if you are eligible for discounts that lower your premiums even more.
At iSCHURING, your privacy is very important to us. We understand that you may be just starting to look for insurance quotes and do not necessarily want to provide a lot of information. For this reason, we will only ask you what is needed to get the most accurate insurance quotes.
For more information, Call Us Today at 269-381-9442 or 1-888-378-7464 and one of our agents will be glad to help.
Please keep in mind that Information provided at iSCHURING’s Resource Center is meant to provide an overview of the topic, rather than an in-depth review. When deciding how this information applies to your specific situation, we recommend discussing with an iSCHURING licensed insurance agent. Any information provided at iSCHURING should also be reviewed by an attorney or tax consultant to determine the best course of action for your unique situation. No information may be copied, reprinted or otherwise reproduced without the expressed written consent of iSCHURING.com