The iSCHURING Team leverages the best of traditional insurance in a digital experience. We value our customers with easy-to-use digital tools, thorough and friendly answers to questions, choices that fit life’s seasons and life’s styles, and hassle-reduced claims processes. iSCHURING is led by Jamie Schuring, insurance industry insider, who has twenty-six years of serving customers as if they were his own family.
In 2021, the iSCHURING Team continues to leverage partnerships and data intelligence to improve our customer’s experience. Learn more about iSCHURING in the following white papers and video links:
Three Reasons Insurtech Continues to Make Waves (March 2021):
Insurance: Then – Now – Next (April 2021): https://animoto.com/play/tV5mV7pnuvkFSePRgrKfWA
Four Questions Your Prospects Are Asking (May/June 2021):
We appreciate conversations as mutual learning opportunities. We’d love to have a conversation with you. To schedule a conversation, interested partners and investors please email Jamie at jschuring@ischuring.com and Lynn Townsend, project leader, at lynnt@ischuring.com.