If you have a vacation home, it is likely it is your retreat. You will want to be sure that your insurance offers the appropriate coverage should a catastrophic event happen. Vacation homes that are not resided in for long periods of time run the risk of burglary or catastrophic damage because they are often times empty and in secluded locations. This is why you sometimes find that the insurance costs increase for similar coverage to a primary residence.
At iSCHURING, we are here to help you get the best coverage, and help you save where it does not cut corners. There are some things that a home owner can do to decrease risk. For example, installing a security system can deter burglars. Similarly, a hardwired fire safety system can notify responders in the event that the home catches fire while no one is around to catch it. Our agents are happy to share more tips and tricks with you on ways to get appropriate coverage.
You have a vacation home where you can relax with the family. Let your worries melt away with coverage from iSCHURING. We will be sure that your vacation home is covered, so it can continue to be your oasis.